Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hello and thank you all

Thanks for all your kind thoughts and prayers. We are all holding up as well as can be expected.
Mum is very poorly, though she still recognizes us, is unable to move or speak. She is resting quite peacefully most of the time, and we sit with her as many hours a day as possible. The staff at the hospice are remarkable, thank goodness there is such a wonderful place.


  1. Thank you for the update. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  2. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family...

  3. Hey, Tink...I am so sorry to hear about your Mum, she and your family will continue to be in my prayers. big {huuggs}

  4. Will still say prayers for your Mom that she remains comfortable during this hard time. Will also pray for you, Tink.

  5. What a difficult thing to go through. We're all thinking of you.

  6. I will definitely be saying a prayer for you, your mother and family. God bless!

  7. Tink;

    Add my prayers to all of your other friends .
    Know that I will hold good thoughts for all of you. My mother-in-law was in a wonderful hospice too...made her passing a little bit easier !

  8. My prayers are with you and you family too. I went through that with me real dad. His was in his lungs. And spread quickly. His suffering was only 4 month. But with cancer 4 minutes is too much pain. But I found he enjoyed reminiscing of the good time we had. I am glad to here she is in a wonderful place. The hospice people are a true blessing. Big hug.

  9. So sorry to hear about your Mum. Prayers coming your way:)

  10. Prayers are headed your way.

  11. Sorry about your mom. Will keep you in prayer..for strength and peace .
