I know I have been remiss in posting...I didn't neglect you really I didn't, but life sometimes gets in the way and now I want to to start devoting at least a few posts a week, just to prove to you that I am not a flake (at least not a Cadbury's one)...
and besides posting pics as always, I am doing a lot more reading these days, both on my ipad, and audio books, seems I can read twice as many books this way, so I will be recommending the good and even the not so good possibly and sharing pics along the way...
so here you go....
Recently I had the pleasure to be a guest for a few days at my friend Carolyn's gorgeous cottage down in Key West - and besides all the usual eating and drinking that is par for a Key West visit, I had a chance to take a few photos (although it was hot as an oven)....enjoy!
all the houses are painted so gloriously in bright cheerful colors...love how the bike matches!!!
Love how the coffered ceiling is painted the sky blue!
These enormous koi are lovely tended to at a small café (the Key lime café - I think - on the corner)
and they all have names...the setting is beautiful with bamboo and a waterfall and great way to refresh after a long slog around the town...
The royal Poinciana were flowering everywhere, and made a beautiful frame to the Episcopalian Church off Duval Street...More posts coming....

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