Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Just a few quick photies to share

Just wanted to share a few of the (hundreds) of pics I took while away, and here are just a little few...more to come in the days to come...

aarh a baby duck! love him/her...
a sure sign of spring and renewal..

a spring country lane...

a double rainbow, look real close above the tree on the right and you can just detect the second one....

I cannot take credit for this, but I told Tone, he should send it to National Geographic, it is just incredible, just look at all those fishes in his beak. (*I know you asked me not sell it, but you didn't say; "don't share!")


  1. awesome love the babies...and the country lane

  2. I love the ducky. All we have around here are mean geese....

  3. hi sweet honey!!!!again , thanks for had remembered of me !!!
    i posted a link talking (just a litle bit ) of your blog ,hope you don't mind .
    but i decided to do not acept that award just because of my time that sucks .i am running a lot this days !
    a huge kiss , and see you .

  4. These are amazing! I clicked on the penguin to see the fish in his (her) mouth better. Holy Sardines! This is the coolest shot! Total sweetness...each one!
