After yesterday's lovefest, blog recog, thingamagigimawhatsit, best thought it's best to return to the Tinki (licious) world of all things lovely and escapist type stuff. OK, well, without further ado, what else can we possibly bring you that doesn't make you fall asleep in your Cheerios/Martinis?
Howbouththisymathingmabob for just a bit of diversion?
We all know the dollar (and whatever currency is your local tender, but as a matter of course, money in general) isn't worth what it was, but to make stuff out of it, well, at least it's one way to use up that loose change!

Penny Bowl!

Dollar Pillow
Don't you love this chair made from fifteen hundred (one thousand fifteen hundred, half dollars welded together, although it might be a bit cold and hard, how can you deny the artistry and time it took?

Seven thousand nickels welded together to make this graceful lounger"? Yikes, how long would that take?

This chandelier (jardalear!)? is made out of baby food jars, no less!
Visit Johnny's site
here to see more of his works.